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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University
Department ofAccounting

Fall Accounting Career Night (2019)

Alt text: Panel discussion on

Alt text: Panel discussion on "Building a Corporate Career with an Accounting/A&IS Background" with slide presentations.

More than 140 students attended the Accounting Department’s third annual Fall Accounting Careers Night on November 4, 2019 in Lucas Hall.

More than 140 students attended the Accounting Department’s third annual Fall Accounting Careers Night on November 4, 2019 in Lucas Hall.  Jack Lazar (’87), (former CFO at Atheros, GoPro, and several other companies), moderated a panel of four SCU alums featuring:

  • Lydia Ku (’15) – Senior Financial Analyst (Palo Alto Networks)
  • Timothy Quock (’11) – Director of Accounting (Mattermost)
  • Jenny Vuong (’13) – Senior Financial Analyst (Apple)
  • Tiffany Wibowo (’16) – Portfolio Manager, Blackrock

The panel answered several questions about their work experience at both large and small employers, the value of their SCU education, whether to major in finance or accounting, and the importance of strong mentorship.  The panelists also discussed the applicability of their accounting and programming classes in the workplace, the value of an engineering class when working in the valley, and insights to human interactions provided through a psychology class.

About 60 percent of the students who attended the event were in their first year at SCU, with the remaining 40 percent from the sophomore class. About two-thirds of the students had not yet declared a major. After the event, students stayed around for 45 minutes, talking with the panelists and Mr Lazar. Many more students attended the event than we expected (last year, about 110 students attended Fall Accounting Careers Night), so many students had to stand the entire evening. Consequently, we plan to hold the event next year in Locatelli Center. We wish to extend a special thanks to Jack and each of our panelists for sharing their time and knowledge and staying after the event to engage in one on one conversations with students.