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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University
Department ofAccounting

News Stories

Faculty Research Workshops 2023-2024

The Accounting Department continues to host research workshops as part of our commitment to support faculty research. We invite nationally and internationally recognized scholars to present their research projects at Santa Clara University.

The Accounting Department continues to host research workshops as part of our commitment to support faculty research. We invite nationally and internationally recognized scholars to present their research projects at Santa Clara University. These workshops provide opportunities for SCU faculty to interact with leading scholars in the field and to present their own early-stage research to solicit valuable feedback. Below is the list of research workshops during 2023-2024.


Date Scholar Workshop Topic       

Sanjeev Bhojraj

Cornell University

Tail-Risk Expectations, Tail Events, and Financial Transparency: High-Frequency Evidence


Eddie Riedl

Boston University

ESG Risk Disclosures:  The Predictive Ability of Industry Best Practice

Sean Cao
University of Maryland

Visual Information in the Age of AI:  Evidence from
Corporate Executive Presentations


Xi Wu

University of California, Berkeley

The World has Changed:
Intangible Assets of the Digital Economy

Chenqi Zhu

University of California, Irvine

Income Tax Over-Withholding:  Implications for Household Investment Decisions


Henock Louis

Penn State University

The Effect of Monthly Mutual Fund Portfolio Disclosures on Information Production

Devin Shanthikumar

University of California, Irvine

Mortgage Lenders’ Diversity Policies and Mortgage Lending to Minorities