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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University
Department ofAccounting

Business Faculty Awards

Business school faculty are recognized for their impact and contributions to the School and the University community.

Congratulations to business school faculty who were recognized this year for their contributions to the Leavey School of Business community and the University as a whole.

Extraordinary Faculty Awards
The following faculty achieved awards in scholarship, teaching and service over the course of the academic year:

Naren Agrawal, Benjamin and Mae Swig Professor of OMIS
Ram Bala, Associate Professor of OMIS and Business Analytics
Gangshu Cai, Associate Professor of OMIS
Sanjiv Das, William and Janice Terry Professor of Finance and Business Analytics
Tammy Madsen, Professor of Management
Kumar Sarangee, Associate Professor of Marketing
Meir Statman, Glen Klimek Professor of Finance
Andy Tsay, Professor of OMIS

Outstanding Scholarship Awards
Noted for their scholarly achievements in the past year were:

Bob Eberhart (MGMT), Necati Ertekin (OMIS), Manoochehr Ghiassi (OMIS), Christian Helmers (ECON), John Ifcher (ECON), Hoje Jo (FNCE), Kirthi Kalyanam (MKTG), Youngtae Kim (ACTG), Seoyoung Kim (FNCE), Haibing Lu (OMIS), Serguei Maliar (ECON), Sami Najafi (OMIS), Lan Nguyen (ECON), Hersh Shefrin (FNCE), Steve Smith (OMIS), Yuchi Zhang (MKTG).

Outstanding Teaching Awards
Commended for their teaching as measured by student evaluations over the course of the year were:

James Airola (ECON), Phyllis Brock (MGMT), Tanya Bunger (MGMT), Chuck Byers (MKTG), Jack Caffey (MGMT), Ye Cai (FNCE), Yasin Ceran (OMIS), George Chacko (FNCE), Necati Ertekin (OMIS), John Ifcher (ECON), Rajiv Kapur (OMIS), Michael Kevane (ECON), Seoyoung Kim (FNCE), Siqi Li (ACTG), Tao Li (OMIS), Chris Lipp (MKTG), Desmond Lo (MKTG), Nydia MacGregor (MGMT), Lan Nguyen (ECON), Chris Paisley (ACTG), Jo-Ellen Pozner (MGMT), Michele Samorani (OMIS), Richard Schaffzin (OMIS), Michael Schermann (OMIS), Savannah Shi (MKTG), Dongsoo Shin (ECON), Steve Smith (OMIS), Bill Sundstrom (ECON), Jennifer Woolley (MGMT), Yuchi Zhang (MKTG).

Outstanding Service Awards
For contributions to their departments, the school, University and profession, the following faculty are being recognized:

Greg Baker (MGMT), Chuck Byers (MKTG), Michael Calegari (ACTG), George Chacko (FNCE), Xiaojing Dong (MKTG), Lucky Eames (ACTG), Alex Field (ECON), Manoochehr Ghiassi (OMIS), Terri Griffith (MGMT), Bob Hendershott (FNCE), Fiona Ji (MGMT), Kirthi Kalyanam (MKTG), Linda Kamas (ECON), Michael Kevane (ECON), Yongtae Kim (ACTG), Sam Lee (FNCE), Long Le (MGMT), Haidan Li (ACTG), Siqi Li (ACTG), Chris Lipp (MKTG), Nydia MacGregor (MGMT), Juan Montermoso (MKTG), Carrie Pan (FNCE), Susan Parker (ACTG), Sandy Piderit (MGMT), Helen Popper (ECON), Michael Santoro (MGMT), Michael Schermann (OMIS), Hersh Shefrin (FNCE), Bill Sundstrom (ECON), Manny Velasquez (MGMT), Jennifer Woolley (MGMT), David Zimbra (OMIS).