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Department ofAccounting

Awards & Scholarships

Students can apply for SCU accounting scholarships sponsored by the accounting department, national accounting scholarships sponsored by business organizations, and SCU university scholarships.

Accounting Department scholarships are open to all first-year, sophomore, and junior declared Accounting and A&IS majors who meet certain GPA requirements. To be considered for these scholarships, eligible students must apply by the due date specified in the application.  The Accounting Department Scholarship application typically opens in March and closes in early April.

The Accounting Department also grants four awards for academic achievement, leadership, and service each year.  There are three senior awards (O. Robert Andersen Award for a senior Accounting major, O. Robert Andersen Award for a senior A&IS major, and the Jerry Kasner Memorial Award) and one award for a junior student (Maier Memorial Award). 

These scholarships and awards are presented to the students during our annual  SCU Accounting Awards Dinner and Ceremony held during the spring quarter.


Accounting awards and scholarships sponsored by the Accounting Department

The Accounting Scholarship Program sponsored by the Accounting Department grants awards and scholarships to the accounting students in recognition of their academic and service achievements. In May 2024, the Accounting Department awarded over $86,000 to SCU students. These awards and scholarships were funded by the following organizations:



Charles F. Louie Foundation


EY Forvis Mazars
Frank, Rimerman & Co.

Grant Thornton

James F. Sepe Accounting Scholarship Endowment

Lautze & Lautze Accounting Scholarship Endowment

Moss Adams

O. Robert Anderson Endowment

  Paul Locatelli Accounting Scholarship Endowment

Thomas B. Maier Endowment  Justin Ebner Endowed Scholarship Accounting Alumni Board


Accounting scholarships sponsored by external organizations

In addition to scholarships granted directly through the accounting department, SCU accounting students can apply for scholarships funded by various organizations. Here are links to information about these organizations and these scholarships:

Scholarships sponsored by Santa Clara University

Santa Clara offers a variety of need-based and merit-based awards for undergraduate students. Need-based scholarships are based on financial needs and can vary up to full tuition. Merit awards are based on academic performance and are often annually renewable for four years if the student continues to meet the requirements of the scholarship.