Get involved outside of the classroom!
The accounting department offers students extracurricular ways to be involved with other students, faculty, staff, and accounting professionals.

The SCU Accounting Association is a student-run organization that provides accounting and A&IS majors with social and professional activities designed to stimulate and develop the skills and relationships essential to an accounting career.

The department hosts events dedicated to increasing student's understanding of career options available to them. A panel on Building a Corporate Career with an Accounting/A&IS Background is held during fall quarter, and Accounting Information Night takes place in winter quarter.
Multiple events each year allow students to connect with potential employers in the industry. Meet the Firms night is held during fall quarter, and the Winter Accounting and A&IS Career Fair takes place during winter quarter.

Our program is designed to allow accounting and A&IS majors to study abroad during the fall quarter of their junior year without falling behind in their required upper division accounting classes. We recommend that study abroad students take ACTG 130 in the winter quarter of their junior year.

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program at Santa Clara University prepares students to file free federal and state tax returns for low-and moderate-income earning individuals and families.