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Department ofAccounting

Academic Programs

You can pursue one of two majors in the Accounting Department as an undergraduate: Accounting or Accounting and Information Systems (AIS), jointly offered with the Information Systems and Analytics Department (formerly OMIS).

You’ll take courses that prepare you for professional examinations that lead to certifications, such as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Certified Management Accountant (CMA).  As a global citizen, you may want to study abroad, and our majors are designed to allow you to do so during the fall quarter of your junior year.

Accounting Major

The Bachelor of Science in commerce with a major in accounting requires a minimum of 175 quarter-units of credit (of which at least 60 must be in upper-division courses). Students must attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for all courses completed at Santa Clara University and for all courses in the accounting major


All students wishing to major in accounting must complete both the University core curriculum requirements and the Leavey School of Business core requirements, which include ACTG 11 (Introduction to Financial Accounting) and ACTG 12 (Introduction to Managerial Accounting). We recommend that students complete these two courses by the end of their sophomore year.

In addition, students majoring in accounting must complete the following eight upper division accounting courses: 

Course Units Description
ACTG 120           5 Units           Accounting Data Analysis and Visualization
ACTG 130                5 Units Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACTG 131 5 Units Intermediate Financial Accounting II
ACTG 132 5 Units Advanced Financial Accounting
ACTG 134  5 Units Accounting Information Systems
ACTG 135 5 Units Auditing
ACTG 136 5 Units Cost Accounting
ACTG 138    5 Units           Tax Planning and Business Decisions

Note: Accounting majors may use ACTG 134 to satisfy both the information systems requirement in the Leavey School of Business curriculum and the Science, Technology & Society requirement in the University Core.

Advising for Accounting Majors Undergraduate Course Listings
Where can I learn about these courses?
When should I take these courses?
What educational requirements must I meet to take the CPA exam?
Advising for A&IS Majors A&IS Major
Who will be teaching me?
What can I do with this degree?
What educational requirements must I meet to become licensed as a CPA in California?