Dan Bowen
Partner, Armanino, LLP
Cal Hoagland
Principal, Financial Leadership Group
Renee Hazel
Partner, Loomis & Co., LLP
Lewis Chew
CFO, Dolby Laboratories
Jim Callas
CFO, InvenSense
Kristine Caratan
Stephen Baroni
Frank, Rimerman & Co., LLP
Kevin Reagan
Partner, RSM (formerly McGladrey)
Elise Levine
Senior Manager, Grant Thronton
Richard Bellucci
Partner, Burr, Pilger, and Mayer, LLP
Joseph Maglione
Partner, Deloitte, LLP
Aftab Jamil
Partner, BDO USA, LLP
Chantal Adam
Partner, KPMG
Mike McAndrews
Partner, Abbott, Stringham & Lynch
J. Martin O'Malley
Partner, WTAS
Bertha Minnihan
Partner, Moss Adams, LLP
Bill O'Brien
Joshua Paul
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Jeff Osorio
CFO, Silevo, Inc.
David Price
Partner, Ernst & Young, LLP
Stephanie Tsiagkas
Partner, Sensiba San Filippo, LLP
Joe Allanson
Chief Accounting Officer and Controller, Salesforce
Katy Yeager
Senior Vice President, Accretive Solutions
The SCU Accounting Advisory Board is a group of business leaders and accounting professionals who provide advice to the Accounting Department to better prepare our students for career challenges.
The Board meets each quarter to discuss business and employment trends, assess program objectives, and advise the department on proposals to continuously improve the accounting curriculum to best serve the needs of our students.
Our advisory board includes the following individuals: