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Phillip S. Sanfilippo '37, '70 Hon. L.L.D.

A grayscale portrait of Phil and Bobbi Sanfilippo.
Phillip S. Sanfilippo '37, '70 Hon. L.L.D.
  • Inducted in 1980

Phil Sanfilippo was a tremendous Bronco, serving and supporting the University throughout his life. He served for 10 years on Santa Clara’s Board of Regents, which advises and supports the University President and Board of Trustees. At the end of his term in 1970, he was selected for an honorary doctor of law degree. He later moved up to the Board of Trustees and chaired the Finance and Alumni Relations Committees before eventually becoming the trustees’ chairman and chairman emeritus. In addition to this work, he spearheaded fundraising for a University expansion project, and was given the honor of a residence hall bearing his name in celebration of his efforts. In addition, he was a charter member of the Bronco Bench Foundation which funded the construction of Buck Shaw Stadium and has supported Santa Clara athletics and student-athletes ever since.

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