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Julio Chiaramonte '38

A black and white image of a boxer in a fighting stance.
Julio Chiaramonte '38
  • Sport: Boxing & Football
  • Years Attended: 1938-1942
  • Bronze and Silver Star recipient as Major United States Army
  • Inducted in 1981

Chiaramonte was a boxer and football star for the Broncos. Growing up in New Mexico, Julio took to the increasingly popular sport of boxing with natural talent. The “Fighting Italian” turned pro at 16, juggling both school and work in the mines. During his professional career, Julio went 21-0-2. Disputes about Chiaramonte’s amateur status, because his early winnings had been used to pay for books and school, disqualified him for the 1936 Olympic Games. Chiaramonte’s defeat of Eddie Murdock solidified his place in boxing history. His incredible career was detailed in the documentary “Boxing in New Mexico, 1868-1940”. After graduation, Chiaramonte went into active duty as a Major in the United States Army. For his leadership and bravery during World War II, Chiaramonte was awarded a Bronze Star and a Silver Star.

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