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Alumni Impact 2030

Community at the Heart

Appendix II

Alumni Association Accomplishments Since 2017

Since launching “Inspiring our Alumni. Supporting our University. Bettering our World” in 2017, the Alumni Association has consistently delivered creative, high-quality events, programs, and communications despite the challenges of COVID-19. We leveraged new technologies to connect graduates globally; built industry, identity, and interest communities; and developed programs for professional growth and alumni-student connections.

Key Highlights include:

SP Masked Workers
COVID-19 Pivot

In response to the COVID-19 shutdown beginning in March, 2020, the Alumni Office pivoted quickly to new ways of working.

Delivered 30+ unique events with over 1,200+ alumni attendees, including Virtual Examen sessions with Jack Treacy, S.J. ’77 and the Bronco Expert Series

Created new online offerings (e.g., Broncos on The Frontlines, Bronco Business Directory, and 3-Point Thursday (3PT))

Supported the Class of 2020 through their COVID-impacted graduation with web content, swag, celebrity videos, alumni words of encouragement, and a belated commencement ceremony

Celebrated two sets of class years - any alumni whose class years ended with 0s or 5s and missed their 2020 reunion and alumni with class years ending in 1s and 6s who celebrated in 2021

SP Gianera Hug
Alumni Connection

To engage alumni of all ages and interests, we’ve developed many new programs and made improvements to existing offerings.

During Grand Reunion, buried a time capsule for the class of 2021 in the Bannan Alumni House backyard, which will be unearthed at their 20th Reunion

Staged a professional photo shoot for alumni and their families in front of the Mission Church

Arranged a three-day trip to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF), including a talk with two OSF actors and daily debrief conversations with SCU theatre professor, Aldo Billingslea

Collaborated with Information Technology and Advancement Services to offer SCU graduates Google-hosted email accounts

Created a Young Alumni Focus Group and Young Alumni Advisory Committee (YAAC) to solicit engagement ideas, develop tailored events, and inspire targeted communications, marketing plans, and social media campaigns

Launched the Student & Alumni Connections Hub of Bronco Exchangean easy-to-use networking, mentoring, and career connections platform – to connect SCU alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends

Mind Share

We continued to find new ways to keep our alumni informed and engaged with SCU

SP Vintage Group

Launched a bespoke website and grassroots engagement campaign to celebrate crossing the 100,000 Alumni threshold

Surpassed 45,000 combined followers across Alumni Association social media accounts, a 26% overall increase

Distributed an exclusive alumni license plate frame to the classes of 2021, 2022, and 2023

Marked 100 years of the Bannan Family’s relationship with SCU by renaming our building the Bannan Alumni House. We also celebrated the 140th Anniversary of the Alumni Association and produced 11 Notable Alumni banners, which are displayed around campus

SP Gianera Medals
Alumni Voices

Alumni have shared their ideas, opinions, and advice through surveys and focus groups. Their suggestions informed Alumni Association and University strategies and activities.

Alumni participated in the following surveys and focus groups to support the Alumni Association and the University:

  • Career Resources Survey
  • Post-COVID Preference Survey
  • Alumni Association Inclusion Survey
  • Graduate Alumni Survey
  • 2023 Alumni Attitude Survey
  • 2023 Regional Focus Groups

The Alumni Board of Directors participated as a primary focus group for the University’s Strategic Plan

The Alumni Identity Council participated as a primary focus group for the University’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Strategic Plan

Campus Connections

To increase the overall efficiency and effectiveness of alumni engagement, we focused on creating truly collaborative campus partnerships.

SP Block Party Mall

Launched three Massive Open Online Courses with the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Created the  Super Broncos Alumni Group to recognize and highlight all graduates who also work at the University

Worked with Undergraduate Admissions to include the Bannan Alumni House on physical and virtual tours

Welcomed Dr. Julie Sullivan as SCU’s 30th President with a unique class year procession (involving 70 alumni from the classes of 1951 through 2021) as part of her inauguration ceremony and more than a dozen regional "Meet the President" events

Organizational Alignment

Our team adapted to changing circumstances while remaining efficient, effective, and entrepreneurial.

SP Table Swag

Reconfigured the Alumni Office team structure and resources to better align with the Key Priorities in our 2017 Strategic Plan.

We added a Content Creator and a Systems & Technology Specialist while repurposing existing resources to offer new programs (e.g., Alumni Book Club, Alumni Bookshelf), create more original content, and better focus on young alumni, graduate alumni, current students, and identity groups

Added a Content Creator and Systems and Technology specialist while repurposing existing resources to offer new programs (e.g., Alumni Book Club, Alumni Bookshelf), create more original content, and better focus on young alumni, graduate alumni, students, and identity groups

Reengineered the Alumni Board of Directors by diversifying our membership, extending the term of our Board President from one year to two, coordinating annual meetings between the Alumni Board President and University President, launching a Virtual Speaker Series for current and former members, and building credibility as the voice of our alumni

Adopted new platforms to increase our productivity (Asana), enhance alumni engagement (Bronco Exchange), and improve customer service (Cvent)

SP Group in front of Mission

To support SCU’s $1 billion Innovating with a Mission capital campaign, we committed to uniquely engaging 35% of our contactable alumni and driving 1 million points of alumni engagement

Identified 150 points of alumni engagement to track and measure our accomplishments

With 70+ campus partners, developed an annual coding process to capture and save data in SCU’s constituent database (CLARA)

Analyzed alumni demographics by class year to better understand where we could improve engagement and which demographics we are serving well

Redesign or Relinquish

Based on qualitative and quantitative data, we discontinued the Mission Wine Collection program, the annual Pasta Feed and Bronco Legends Night, the Young Alumni Soiree, and the New Student Calling Program. We also transitioned ownership of “Illuminate,” SCU’s thought leader blog, to University Marketing & Communications.

SP SCU Letters
Ready to head back to the full plan?