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Alumni Impact 2030

Community at the Heart

Appendix I

High-Level Takeaways from the 2023 Alumni Attitude Survey

In 2015, the Alumni Association commissioned our first comprehensive survey to assess the attitudes, behaviors, and interests of Santa Clara University alumni.
We commissioned a similar survey in April 2023 to benchmark current feelings and assess our alumni engagement efforts.


SP Block Party
Connection to SCU & Current Feelings
Meeting Alumni Needs & Interests
SP - YA Hug


Alumni shared the ways they’re interested in staying involved with the University. We compared the results with whether they feel SCU is effective at providing those engagement opportunities.



A detailed chart comparing alumni interest and SCU effectiveness in various areas, such as news and information about campus (85% interest, 73% effectiveness), ways to socialize and network with other SCU alumni (75% interest, 49% effectiveness), SCU athletics events (49% interest, 65% effectiveness), opportunities to volunteer (55% interest, 49% effectiveness), mentorship and professional develop

SP-Bucky Selfie
Information Preferences and Mindshare


Last Time Alumni Mentioned SCU in Conversation


A chart showing the frequency of alumni mentioning SCU within different timeframes. 13% engaged today or yesterday, 27% within the past week, 32% more than one month ago, and 28% within the last month.


In-Depth Takeaways from the 2023 Alumni Attitude Survey

In addition to the broader conclusions we drew from the survey results, we analyzed our results across demographic categories to derive deeper insights.

The sections comparing responses across demographic groups only display results where the results differ from those of the broader survey. If a question is not displayed, the response does not significantly differ between the groups being compared.



Feelings Toward SCU, Broken Out by Demographic Categories
SP-Latinx Receptoin
SP-Millers with Bucky
Connecting with Other Alumni and Mindshare, Broken Out by Demographic Categories
Which Sources Alumni Use to Get News About SCU, Broken Out by Demographic Categories
SP-Gianera Crowd
SP - Cheesing in front of Mission
Actions Taken by Alumni in the Past Year, Broken Out by Demographic Categories
Alumni Interest in Ways to Get Involved with SCU, Broken Out by Demographic Categories
SP - Alumni @ Pres Reception
Strategic Plan: Dance
How Well SCU is Doing at Providing Programming Alumni Are Interested In, Broken Out by Demographic Categories
Graduate Alumni Relationships to SCU
Full Width
Full Width
Deeper Dive Into Career-Related Topics and Interests
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