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Education and Research

Lisa S. Cahill ’70, theologian; author, “Global Justice, Christology and Christian Ethics”; member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences; winner, John Courtney Murray Award (2008), Catholic Theological Society of America; J. Donald Monan Professor, Boston College

Frank Cepollina ’59, inventor (in-orbit satellite pioneer); inductee, National Inventors Hall of Fame; deputy associate director, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Development Project; recipient, Exceptional Achievement Award, NASA

Robert Freitas J.D. ’78, nanotechnology pioneer; author, “Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines”; winner, Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology; author, “Nanomedicine” and “Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines”

John A Glaspy ’75, professor of medicine, UCLA’s Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center; former Estelle, Abe, and Marjorie Sanders endowed chair in cancer research

Jay Helman ’74, former president emeritus, Western State Colorado University

Sharon Kugler ’81, first female university chaplain, Yale University; lecturer, Yale Divinity School 

Noelle Lopez ’09, recipient, Rhodes Scholarship; SCU’s first female Rhodes Scholar

Patricia A. O'Hara ’71, faculty member and former dean, Notre Dame Law School

Tina Panontin ’83, chief engineer, NASA Ames Research Center; NASA chair professor, Naval Postgraduate School; research associate, San Jose State University Research Foundation; professor, College of Engineering at San Jose State University 

Vincent Price ’79, Ph.D., president, Duke University; former provost, University of Pennsylvania; former editor-in-chief, “Public Opinion Quarterly”