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Past Clients

San Francisco skyline

San Francisco skyline

Experiencing Silicon Valley’s Startup Culture

MBA students from a prestigious university in South Korea sought an immersive experience in Silicon Valley.


MBA students from a prestigious university in South Korea sought an immersive experience in Silicon Valley to develop their understanding of the Silicon Valley startup ecosystem, examine and solve problems faced by startups, and grow into entrepreneurs.

Our Approach

We designed a four-day program that combined engaging, faculty-led sessions with company visits and speaker panels featuring industry experts. Topics covered included:

  • The Silicon Valley mindset and approach to innovation
  • The venture capital landscape and how to raise funding
  • Product development and marketing strategies
  • Design thinking and other creative problem-solving techniques


The students emerged from the program with a deep understanding of Silicon Valley's unique culture and entrepreneurial ecosystem. They also gained valuable insights into how to develop and launch new products and services, and how to secure funding from venture capitalists.

SVEC, Past Clients