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Department ofComputer Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Learn how to create the hardware and software of tomorrow.

For undergraduates we offer a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering that focuses on programming and building computer systems. For those looking to code and design for the Web, we also offer a B.S. in Web Design and Engineering that pairs a technical education in computing with courses in graphic arts, communication, and sociology.

By your senior year, you'll take on a major project that identifies a need, and then creates a product to address it. Past projects include apps to improve health care in rural areas, virtual reality software for treating anxiety, and nanosatellite software.

Our graduate programs include an M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering. The capstone and dissertation work of our grad students often leads to developing solutions that reach far beyond the Santa Clara campus.

Our faculty members have worked for companies like Google and LG, helped write state K-12 curriculum, and collaborated with organizations like the National Science Foundation and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. During your time here, you'll have the chance to work in their labs or with them through the Sustainable Energy Initiative or Frugal Innovation Lab.

Recent Award

Department Award 2023

The department received the inaugural Special Dean's Recognition Award (June 2023). Thanks to the hard work of our faculty and staff.




Faculty Spotlight

Promotion & Tenure


Maya Ackerman received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor (effective Sep 2023).

New Faculty

Younghyun Cho

We welcome Younghyun Cho as new Assistant Professor (effective Sep 2023).

Student Spotlight

Kairan Quazi

Kairan Quazi-3

Congratulations to our student, Kairan Quazi! At age 14, he is the youngest graduate in SCU's 172-year history and definitely among the youngest in the world; he will be a software engineer at SpaceX. There have been over 1,000 print/online stories of Kairan in 69 countries and 250+ radio/TV stories all over the world". Here is a story from the People Magazine.




Contact Us

Chair: Prof. Silvia Figueira

Department Manager (contact for Graduate Matters): 
Pam Lin 408-554-6805

Department Manager (contact for Undergraduate Matters): 
Valerie Woitte 408-554-5281

Computer Science and Engineering
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

SCDI Bergin, Bldg. 203


COEN Student Policies