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Department ofReligious Studies

Kitty Murphy: Society of Biblical Literature Panelist and New Book Contract

At this year's annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Boston in November, Prof. Kitty Murphy offered responses to two books as part of panel discussions. The first book is an upcoming Fortress Press volume by a variety of authors on Wealth and Poverty in the Biblical World. The second is a recently published Fortress Press book, this one by Roland Boer and Christina Petterson, Time of Troubles: A New Economic Framework for Early Christianity, in which the authors use a particular school of Marxist thought to explore the rise of early Christianity in an economic context of increasing slavery and land concentration. Prof. Murphy has also just received a contract with Abingdon Press to write a book on the Synoptic Gospels that introduces the political and economic world of the early Roman Empire as the context within and against which the early Christians imagine Jesus' significance and shape their lives in community. The book is part of a new series at Abingdon called Core Biblical Studies.