Frederick Parrella: Paul Tillich Paper Presentation near Seoul, South Korea

Frederick Parrella, was one of five invited scholars from Europe and the United States to present a paper and participate in a symposium on the thought of Paul Tillich from October 18 to 20. The symposium, held near Seoul, South Korea, included lengthy question and answer sessions with the attendees. The papers were published beforehand in both Korean and English with the book available to both presenters and the audience so they could understand one another. The title of Prof. Parrella’s paper was "Is Paul Tillich's Theology of Culture Relevant in the 21st Century?” The symposium was arranged by Prof. Young-Ho Chun of St. Paul's Theological Seminary in Kansas City, a longtime member of the North American Paul Tillich Society. The other participants were Prof. Mary Ann Stenger, University of Louisville, Prof. Christian Danz, University of Vienna, Prof. Hans Schwarz, the University of Regensburg, and Prof. Peter Haigis, the University of Heidelberg. All of the expenses came from a generous grant of the Methodist Church in South Korea.