David DeCosse: Future Opportunity & Recent Work

Dr. David DeCosse has been invited to be one of the plenary speakers at the June 2018 meeting of the Catholic Theological Society of America. He'll be speaking on the theology of conscience in the document called Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the document put out before each American presidential election year by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. DeCosse has also completed the next chapter of his book called Catholic Social Thought and the Equality of Freedom: An Essay in Theological Ethics; this chapter focused on the dialogue between a Catholic theology of freedom and the sociology of freedom by American sociologist Orlando Patterson.
In August, the San Francisco Chronicle published his opinion article, "Health Care Repeal Efforts' Misguided Idea of Freedom." In his other role on campus -- on the staff of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics -- he organized a panel discussion in September called "The Sale of Slaves and Georgetown University: A Conversation About History, Race, and Justice" (Watch video). He is also heading up a special program at the Ethics Center for the academic year on freedom of speech and civil discourse.